Tomato Log

[6:41:10 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": This tomato is bigger than my fist
[6:41:14 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": I'm going to eat it
[6:41:17 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": and forever disprove the "Your stomache is as big as your fist" statement
[6:45:26 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #1: I am almost halfway through this tomato. Fucking delicious. Added some salt on that bitch. Mmm. Still hungry, gonna keep going.
[6:47:26 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #2: I have finished half the tomato. My hungry is mostly quenched, but I can easily keep going.
[6:50:40 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #3: I am 3/4 through the tomato, my stomache is full, but I must go on. It seems as though the tomato has gotten much larger, will update soon.
[6:53:49 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #4: I don't know how it happened, but I'm now inside the tomato. I see no exits, and have been walking for a long time. I knew I shouldn't have tried to play god.
[6:54:41 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #5: Time seems to move differently in the tomato, it has been days in here, but the computer says it's been minutes. I don't know if I'll ever leave this place.
[6:57:00 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #6: Day 28 in the tomato. I've cut out some a small circular piece and carved a face into it. His name is Ron. Ron is my only companion in here. I like to pretend he has an accent like that donkey from Shrek. I'm currently working on a screenplay called "Tomato 'n Me" that I plan to release if I ever get out of here.
[6:57:08 PM] Mayson to group "RustleMania": Shut the fuck up
[6:58:38 PM] ZionSype to group "RustleMania": Tomato Log #7: I showed my screenplay to Ron. He says it's got and I've got a real shot, he knows some people in the industry and says he could get Sean Connery to act in it.
[6:59:41 PM] *** iMayson removed ZionSype from this conversation. ***
[7:01:04 PM] ZionSype to iMayson: Tomato Log #8: I sense the tomato knows about my screenplay, and plans to release it for himself. Ron told him, I knew I couldn't trust a tomato! Ironically, that is the idea behind my new screenplay. The tomato knows what I'm typing, so from now on I'll be writing in my notebook.
[7:03:07 PM] Mayson to ZionSype: Seriously stfu.
[7:07:51 PM] ZionSype to iMayson: Tomato Log #973: I've finally come back to my computer. I tripped and dropped my notebook in a puddle of tomato juice, it's ruined. Maybe the tomato will know what I'm saying, but after 8 years I don't really care all that much. I suspect iMayson is in League with the tomato, as he removed me from reaching anyone else in the outside world.
[7:09:45 PM] ZionSype to iMayson: Tomato Log #974: I'm outside of the tomato. I don't know how, but I laid down, and I accepted I may be here forever, then I woke up, back in my room, my normal age. Fuck, I'm hungry though. I think I'm gonna get another tomato